Introduction of Increased Statutory Weekly Payments
27th April 2017
The Government has published the revised payments for maternity pay, paternity pay, shared parental leave pay, adoption pay and sick pay from April 2017. These rates normally increase each April in line with the consumer price index (CPI). The rates had been frozen since 5 April 2015, however as t
Easter Greetings…
16th April 2017
We would like to wish all of our Clients and Candidates a wonderful Easter weekend!
The Larbey Evans Easter Bunny Army…
11th April 2017 making its way to all of our fabulous Contract Lawyers and Support Staff! Wishing you all a happy Bank Holiday weekend
From 6th April 2017, intermediaries legislation changes within the public sector
5th April 2017
There are changes to the way the current intermediaries legislation (known as IR35) is applied to off-payroll working in the “public sector”. Where the rules apply, people who work in the public sector through an intermediary will pay employment taxes in a similar way to employees. These chan
National Minimum Wage and National Living Wage Increase
27th March 2017
The National Minimum Wage (NMW) is the minimum pay per hour most workers are entitled to by law. The rate will depend on a wo
Apprenticeship funding and how it will work…
21st March 2017
In spring 2017, the way that the government funds apprenticeships in England is changing. Some employers will be required to
Auto Enrolment Pensions for Employers
1st February 2017
Following the government’s announcement that an estimated 7 million people in the UK are not saving enough money for their retirement the law on workplace pensions has changed, with the government’s aim for more people to have an additional income post retirement on top of the State Pension. Th
Bags of fun…
30th January 2017
...on a Monday morning at LE HQ! Thanks @iconprinting!
We have lift off…
27th January 2017
…Larbey Evans is proud to announce the launch of our new-look website and re-brand of the company! We hope that you will en
Final Decisions…
5th January 2017
We are at the final stages of our exciting company re-brand project and can’t wait to share our new look in the coming weeks with you all! Keep your eyes peeled…!
Hello 2017!
1st January 2017
Happy New Year to all of our fabulous clients, candidates and favourite people in our world – let’s help make 2017 the be
Happy Holidays…
25th December 2016
From all of us, wherever you are in the world - wishing you and your loved ones fun filled holidays!
‘Tis the season to be jolly!
12th December 2016
Everyone at Larbey Evans is getting into the Christmas spirit... The countdown is on!
Festive Favours from LE HQ…
6th December 2016
The "Larbey Evans Elf" is busy making special deliveries to all of our current temporary and contractor employees - we thank
Happy Thanksgiving to all of our US candidates and clients!
24th November 2016
Wishing you all a holiday full of happiness, turkey dinners and pumpkin pies!